We’ve deployed a new system that proactively monitors the services uptime

Someone used to say: “There are those who have downtime and there are those who know they have downtime.”
Într-un data center proiectat şi administrat conform standardelor industriei este important să se afle imediat că a apărut o problemă dar în aceeaşi măsură este importantă identificarea cu maximă acurateţe a punctului în care a apărut problema.

In a modern standard data center, built to run on Tier 3 standards it is paramount that every incident either minor or major to be promptly brought to the attention of the right persons with maximum precision in respect to the exact point it occured.
The traditional monitoring system only alerts about an outage with no clear indication on where exactly it occured. Another major issue of the basic monitoring systems is the large number false positives, mainly relying on a detecting a one-time fault between points A and B.

The modern monitoring system perform a thorough analysis in case of unusual behaviour. If configured properly they know how to determine the exact point a fault occured, moreover they are capable of running concurrent tests from multiple points to rule out false positives and pinpoint the exact problem.
The incident resolution times decrease significantly because the technical support team no longer wastes times on investigating the incident or worse investigating false positives.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

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